

Welcome to my blog. My philosophy of life is:

All in moderation and all in due time.

I’ve not mastered it yet but again…ALL in due time.

Even if life seems everlasting, take your time. Make time…

Even if life seems everlasting, take your time. Make time…


“When was the last time you just spent time with your family or other loved ones -- not because it was a family function, but just because you wanted to?? Sometimes the best way to untangle and clean up the messiness, is to just SLOW DOWN ... take a BREAK and remember to ENJOY the little things in LIFE.” ~Lori Homeyer

You never need to carry more than you can hold... I’m guessing the key is to know your limitations, without selling yourself short. Have you ever noticed that nothing is ever simple and clearly defined? Finding the right balance to everything in your life becomes a touch and go process...  We often end up asking ourselves, “Should I try harder, should I push more? Maybe I should back off, give up, or give in?” You know how it works... It boils down to picking your battles/challenges...

I've been living out of my suitcase for the past 2 months; jumping from plane to plane and flying from city to city. It’s to the point now that the running joke is I'm a visitor in my own home... I have two beautiful, well rounded, smart kids. The hubby and I made sure that they never lacked love, a sense of security, or support from us. We have managed, over the years, to build and AMAZING support system around us. This team encompasses blood family and extended family (friends we’ve known for so many years that our kids can only relate to them as “aunty” and “uncle”). So while our family unit has entered this period of change - with me taking on a new role in my career path and the hubby pursuing his entrepreneurial dream (and financial commitment that comes with that) - the challenge is to not have my kids feel as though the rug has been pulled from under their feet. And I'm overly grateful for the wonderful results we were/are allowed to see in them and moreover, for those without whom directly or indirectly it wouldn't have been possible.

BUT (you knew that was coming) giggles...

When I walk through the door of my house, particularly when coming back from one of my trips, I'm greeted by my son (who towers over my 5'3" frame), causing me to tilt my head back further and further every week to look at his beautiful face. I immediately wonder what new changes have happened to him while I was gone... I'm then taken over by my little girl, who ain't so little anymore. As a matter of fact, we’re almost staring each other in the eye, she is maturing faster than I want her to; claiming her independence, declaring her opinions, noting her taste and her choices... becoming the me that I was 30 years ago. I'm scared of all these little things I am missing out on, that can be impactful in their lives... I'm scared that like me, they learn to be okay not having mom and dad around every day... I'm scared of not being needed for all the little (or big) things in their life... I'm scarred for maybe believing they were okay, ready for the changes (even though they’re temporary changes) before they truly were... Or maybe I'm just scarred of my own decision and I'm looking for justifications for my fear....

Life has me believing that anything you set your mind to is never out of reach BUT life didn't give me a warning of the price you might have to pay for believing that you carry the world on your shoulders. The toll it takes when you’re trying to create the life you want for yourself...

What are your goals?

What do you ultimately want to achieve?

What are your priorities?

What are the things you won't compromise on?

Or does everything have a price?

The "rat race" journey we’ve created for ourselves is fruitful, with small and big successes along the way but with no time to enjoy any achievement as we quickly move on to the next one, the better one to reach for... It’s true that “Haste makes waste,” and sometimes what we are gaining in our pursuit of greatness is overshadowed by what we are losing in the process. It’s okay to win the war, as long as you come home with both hands, both feet and your mind intact. The problem arises when you win the war and come home missing limbs, missing organs and missing out on years of your life… We all have our own cross to carry. We all have reasons that push us to do what we do; we all have lives with different requirements ... I've learned that there's never a reason to envy my neighbor's grass, no matter how greener or healthier it might look because their journey, their motivations or their ultimate goals might be so different than mine. I need to be in control of mine and what's needed for my healthy life... 

So my reminder for today, my new daily "snooze" motto is, "Even if life seems everlasting, take your time. Make time".

Take time to realize, to say, and to put into practice that there is no better time to enjoy what you have now, as tomorrow will make today’s circumstances different... Yes, seek to better yourself, seek better opportunities and seek higher goals but don't let it consume you. The collateral damage in not finding the right balance is more detrimental than not achieving "that" goal. Sit out of the race from time to time... give yourself a chance to see a different perspective... a chance to enjoy what you have already accomplished... To enjoy the now... To enjoy that life you are building for yourself...

At the end what you value will determine your priorities.

As ALWAYS, remember that I love you - Smooches!

Does Size Matter? …

Does Size Matter? …

The One Thing That Makes ME Great…

The One Thing That Makes ME Great…