

Welcome to my blog. My philosophy of life is:

All in moderation and all in due time.

I’ve not mastered it yet but again…ALL in due time.

The Closet Door is finally open….                    Meet the NonMixologist Mixologist

The Closet Door is finally open…. Meet the NonMixologist Mixologist

My love of a great cocktail and how beautiful you can make them look was all I needed to challenge myself and become, ‘The NonMixologist Mixologist’

In so many things of life and in life, I am self-thought and in some, my teachers have been the different worlds, sceneries and cultures I traveled through and experienced. Contentment has never been attractive to me or should I say, has never been enough for me. In my life this is reflected not in the most conventional way…. Nothing can ever be simple, always have to kick it up a notch. When I develop an interest to something, it quickly turns into an obsessive passion that needs to be perfected or mastered

As far as I can remember I always had a love for all things beautiful. I can’t say I grew up privileged but what I can say is that I was exposed to nice “things” early on. I had the option of choice, I had the advantage of being able to see and experience the difference between what is standard and what is above and exceeding basic needs.

BEAUTY is a game changer in ALL things…

Four of my sensory nerves (touch, sight, taste, smell) are mainly guided by beauty. 

I WILL NOT bother to touch something that looks nasty or repulsive. Not going to do it!  I WILL NOT waste my time on anything I find unattractive, unappealing, and unpleasant. Not going to do it! I WILL NOT taste anything that looks disgusting.  Not going to do it!  I WILL NOT enjoy anything that looks like it smells. Not going to do it!!

The common denominator to these four statements is my perception of BEAUTY, it is my translation of what is beautiful for me

The BEAUTY in my drinks, the personal challenge that took a life of its own…

I love the idea of making those I surround myself with happy. While I don’t do it all the time, because I am truly an introvert, I love the idea of entertaining. I entertain not because I want people around me but because I love the feeling, I am enriched by the happiness in people when they are shown love. For me entertaining my small family or having a close circle of family and friends over, it doesn’t matter… You can be assured that I give it a 150% at all time.

It all started with food. If you ask The Hubby he will tell you “I eat with my eyes!” When it comes to me, the sentence has 2 significations. 

  1. I have no concept of small portion or small quantity cooking. When I cook for 2, you can definitely feed a family of 8!

  2. Presentation is EVERYTHING! I will know that the food is worth me eating or offering, first by how it is presented and then by how it look. 

Taste will mean nothing to me unless I nailed those 2 points first!

From the serving dishes, plates and silverware to match the “story” of the evening – a few days ago, the Hubby was just flabbergasted about the fact that we have 3 different sets of serving plate – to the perfectly chosen food options my attention to details never wavers. Entertaining for me is the action of storytelling, it is me showing, telling my love… So you perfect your dishes, you create and explore new recipes always with the ultimate desire to please. 

Wine was my first love in bringing my storytelling full circle. We didn’t fall out but with years wine has taken a back seat for the simple fact that while I learned to appreciate good wines from all over the world, other than learning to match it with specific dishes, it has never teased my creativity. 

Beauty is what beauty is in the eyes of its beholder. ~Rosiesandz

My creativity got a boost when I took interest in cocktail making… My love of a great cocktail and how beautiful you can make them look was all that I needed to challenge myself and become The NonMixologist Mixologist I love to refer myself as. From self-teaching the classics and adding a “twist” and personalize them, to spending thousands of dollars in all sort of spirits, liquors, bitters, mixers so I could experience different mixtures, to buying proper bartender tools and purchasing over 12 different sets of glassware this as truly taken a life of its own.

And just like food, while my cocktails have to be good, they wouldn’t be a thing to mention if they didn’t simply look gorgeous. I have learned how to make lemon twists, I have found my gimmick in mainly utilizing tropical exotic fruits which I would use fresh, create shapes and freeze them or drying them out in my oven (before my babies bought me a dehydrator)

In Life. Lessons. Libations I will be sharing with you all Classics cocktails “with my added twist”. These are cocktails  I didn’t create thus calling them classics! On the flip side, for the past 8 to 12 months I have worked on creating my OWN beautiful cocktails which I am planning on presenting them in my own cocktail book!!

I hope you’ll join me on this journey where we celebrate LIFE, we learned invaluable LESSONS, and create amazing LIBATIONS along the way.

So cheers to this new passion of mine! 

New Chapter: Part 2 To a New Life, New Passion… Starting Better and Wiser.

New Chapter: Part 2 To a New Life, New Passion… Starting Better and Wiser.

New Chapter- Part One: When Enough Became Enough

New Chapter- Part One: When Enough Became Enough