

Welcome to my blog. My philosophy of life is:

All in moderation and all in due time.

I’ve not mastered it yet but again…ALL in due time.

"Celebrate good times, come on!"

"Celebrate good times, come on!"

"Celebrate good times, come on!"

There is a recurring image whenever I think of who exactly I am at this present moment,
An endless space, speckled with dots as far as the eye can see.

Understanding and Harnessing the Void…
Jayson Tyler Lukengu Sanderson…
A seed planted deep within the soil,
Watered and Nourished by Family, Education, and Principle.
What a way to be remembered isn’t,
What a way for your legacy to start and blossom and thrive into the being you dreamed of being.
Optimistic, maybe… but should you be thinking any other way.
Is there any other way to look upon yourself as you move towards the future.
To look in the mirror, and not see the sexiest being alive.
Optimistic, maybe… but there is no other way to look at yourself and expect progress.
Big dreams lead to goals then plans then work then fantasy will never feel so real.
Jayson has big dreams.
However they're constantly replaced with projects, papers, assignments, as if they purposefully want to keep you within the system.
Purposefully want those dreams to remain dreams.
Claiming to help you reach those dreams by following their plan for your life so you can play a part in their growth as a unit rather than your growth as an individual.
Ironic isn’t it…
Ironic isn’t that those big name, athletes, singers, dancers, entrepreneurs, etc., took a chance on their dream and became something of legend.
Ironic isn’t it that they don’t want us to dropout of school or turn so much attention away from our occupation that our dreams become a stupid idea until we’re too old to realize it was more a possibility than a fantasy.
Oh, the irony is too tantalizing.
I am, the one and only Jayson Sanderson.
And they surely don’t make ‘em like me anymore.
There is a recurring image whenever I think of who exactly I am at this present moment,
An endless space, speckled with dots as far as the eye can see.
That void is my unknown, my identity, my essence.
It gives me direction telling me where I should put my attention,
It gives questions and puzzles to unlock the next part of myself.
Each day passes and another dot appears, another aspect of myself is found.
However with each dot, darkness disappears, and there are less possibilities in terms of who I'll be in the near future.
A feeling as sweet as candy, but you'd never take into account the after taste when you chose that candy.
That darkness, it needs guidance...
My unknown, needs guidance...
However in order to guide I must know the destination.
I want to live simply.
I want to sit by the window when it rains and read books I’ll never be tested on.
I want to write because I want to, not because I’ve got something to prove.
I want to listen to my body, fall asleep when the moon is high and wake up slowly, with no place to rush off to.
I want not to be governed by money or clocks or any of the artificial restraints that humanity imposes on itself.
I just want to be boundless, endless, and infinite.
I will be limitless and tremendous.
It's a celebration, alright.
And my present is only the beginning...

I fell in love with myself, and I'm so happy that I did.

I fell in love with myself, and I'm so happy that I did.