

Welcome to my blog. My philosophy of life is:

All in moderation and all in due time.

I’ve not mastered it yet but again…ALL in due time.

Wednesday Guest's Post "Have a Moment" By Benine

Wednesday Guest's Post "Have a Moment" By Benine

Benine is a social worker by day and a strong advocate for adolescents any other time of the day. She finds great joy in working with youth, but has also found her purpose and passion in helping others (especially women) heal emotionally and mentally. Benine shares her love for helping people through her faith with her blog, podcast and recently published book. You can listen to her podcast; Notes 2 Sis on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Play. Her co-written book titled "Whole Again - a 21day Devotional for Emotional Healing" can be found on Amazon in paperback or e-book form. Stay connected with Benine on instagram @iamneensnotes.



Have a Moment…

In this busy world, how often do we get the opportunity to sit and just BE for a quick second? To enjoy the wind of fresh air blowing past us,

to breathe in the sunlight that glistens onto our face,

to melt in the peace of a quiet environment?

to simply just have a moment......

 You know you're a busy human when you probably just asked yourself, "when was the last time I even had a thought to be able to do such a thing?".  Time flies by us so quickly that we often overlook opportunities for this. We get so caught up in our anxiety about "what's next" that we lose our thankfulness for what is right now.

Life can get difficult and this can't be ignored, but have you taken a second to stop and think about the positive aspects of the current season you're in? God communicates with us daily; directly most times, but also through the people around us. I get reminded of this each time I have an "aha!" moment, after someone drops a gem that speaks clarity to something I've had on my mind...and they don't even realize it or know what's going on.

"I see you, God!!!" I always say. But why does it need to take an "aha!" moment for me to be grateful? Every day that I wake up is a blessing, my health is a blessing, the family that surrounds me is a blessing, God's love towards me is the ultimate blessing! I've learned that a significant part of my healing and peace of mind is recognizing how far I've come and all the many reasons to be grateful. You'd be surprised what a moment of gratitude will do to your stressed out heart. Gratitude and contentment are the breeding ground for blessings. Who would not want more blessings? Not only has that, but gratitude even in difficult moments (I know, easier said than done) encourage you to see past your current struggle into the hope of the better to come.

If there is one thing to remember, it is that there is ALWAYS at least one thing to be grateful for, no matter what situation you are in; first one being your life. You are blessed just because you're alive, it can't be that hard to find a few more blessings, can it? Would you be so bold as to try something new with me? Have a "moment" for at least 10 minutes a day; to yourself where you can think about all the things you are grateful for. Then challenge yourself into making this a habit, despite life's struggles.

 I'm grateful because you read this. I hope you have great "moments".

With love and light always, B.

Wednesday Guest's Post "Poetry Speaks" By Jayson Sanderson

Wednesday Guest's Post "Poetry Speaks" By Jayson Sanderson

Why we need to know our children's love language.

Why we need to know our children's love language.